About Academies


Full-Time, Part-Time and Local Academies

There are two ways of getting into the Fire Department;

  1. Academy Graduate, with a Firefighter 1 State Certification (Regional Academy).

  2. Being hired by a (Local Fire Agency) with no Academy, no education nor fire experience-no Fire Fighter 1 Certification.

Upon completion of the educational and training requirements, you are eligible for the Basic Fire Academy through a Community College Regional Accredited State Fire Marshal Program (14 to 21 weeks in length). Each program has different educational requirements. Upon completion you will receive your Fire Fighter 1 State Certification.

If you are hired by a Local Fire Agency they provide their own Academy Training, the Departments are Local Accredited State Fire Marshal Programs. Their program training can also be 14 to 21 weeks in length. Upon hiring you are an employee of that department and are on the pay roll from your start date. Upon completion of the academy, you will receive your Fire Fighter 1 State Certification.


Part-time and Wildland Academies

Part-time and Wildland Academies may be offered on a Regional and Local level, you must ask when applying.


Cost: (Regional Academy Only)

Program cost can vary, depending on the College and Program you choose ($1,800 to $5,000).