Operation ReachBack Community Fire Workshops are designed to educate and in-power you to understand the process and requirements that you will need to have in order to become successful in the fire service. These workshops will provide total insight in the fire service career, your self-awareness, understanding your leadership style, developing your communication skills, understanding and defining diversity and the importance of writing an effective resume for the position of firefighter. (Click Here for Info on Las Vegas, Neveda, Fire Prep Leadership Academy)
Community Outreach- This workshop provides personal contacts through visitations, one on one, schools, and special events with minority youths to provide information and literature on careers in the fire service.
Fire Service Careers- This workshop explains fire service careers, the type of positions the fire service offers, how to get hired in the fire service, the academy and testing process.
Fire Service Tools and Equipment- This workshop utilizing local fire departments displaying apparatus, tools, and equipment.
Communication Skills- This workshop is designed to provide valuable oral interviewing information and effective communication components that will assist the student in being successful in obtaining their career goals.
Oral Interviewing Skills- This workshop will improve your communications skills, provide valuable oral interview questions and information. It will help you prevent striking out in an oral interview. It will offer effective communication components that will assist you in being successful in your deliver and be competitive during the oral interview process.
Leadership Skills- This workshop is designed to help you understand and recognize the different components of leadership. It will provide you with a clear definition of your leadership style, traits, and characteristics. You will understand the difference between a leader and a follower.
Identifying Diversity- This workshop will help you define diversity, and how individual life experiences impact and influence attitudes and behavior. It will help you identify the influences of personal perceptions on communications and behavior. Finally it will help you define discrimination, harassment, laws, regulations relating to discrimination and harassment.
Effective Resume Writing- This workshop is designed to assist you with writing and designing an effective resume. Discussing resume formatting and grammar.